Fundamentals of Upstream Operations
Fundamentals of Upstream Operations is a web-based class on the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. The 6-8 hour class provides a non-technical introduction to the operations required to find and produce oil and gas.� The class also includes lectures on oil and gas leasing, production sharing and joint operating agreements, and oil and gas accounting and financial and operating analysis. The class includes student exercises to apply the principles presented in the lectures.�� Each section contains a brief quiz to test the student's knowledge of the subject. Updated for 2015.
Over 480 slides that provide an in-depth explanation of oil and gas exploration and production.
Exercises that allow you to apply information learned in lectures
Lecture material that may be downloaded for note-taking and future reference
Chapter quizzes to emphasize important points of lecture and test your knowledge
Interactive schematics for drilling rig operation, well completion, drilling ship, production operations, and natural gas processing.
Easy access to help using the "Ask an Expert" form and/or phone
References for your to learn more about class topics
Who Should Attend
New employees
Support staff that require a basic knowledge of upstream operations
Public accountants who analyze exploration and production companies
Petroleum industry financial analysts and investors
Sales personnel who market products and services to the industry
What You Will Learn
Basic understanding of exploration and production operations
Concepts of oil and gas ownership, leasing, and acquisition
Components of petroleum fiscal systems and production sharing and joint operating agreements
Surface operations to treat the raw crude oil and natural gas and recover natural gas liquids
Essential aspects of oil and gas accounting
Evaluating oil and gas industry performance using financial and operating metrics
Class Outline
Petroleum Basics
Oil and Gas Composition
Key Qualities
Role of Oil and Gas in Energy Supply and Demand
Land Leasing and Acquisition
Ownership of Oil and Gas
Working Interest
Methods of Acquiring Oil and Gas Leases
Oil and Gas Leases
Class Exercise - Determining Working and Revenue Interests
Production Sharing and Joint Operating Agreements
Petroleum Fiscal Systems
Production Sharing and
Joint Operating Agreements
Petroleum Geology
Exploration Technology
Class Exercise - Finding Oil and Gas
Drilling Operations
The Drilling Rig
Making a Trip
Well Geometries
Drilling Rig Schematic*
Drilling Crew
Conventional Production Operations
Shale oil and gas operations 
Drive Mechanisms
Well Completion Schematic*
Production Surface Operations Schematic*
Offshore Operations
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Class Exercise - Evaluating Oil and Gas Prospects
Offshore Operations
Exploration Platforms
Drill Ship Schematic*
Production Platforms
Subsea Systems
Natural Gas Processing
Natural Gas Processing
Natural Gas Processing Schematic*
Oil and Gas Accounting
Treatment of Oil and Gas Reserves
Accounting for Drilling and Equipment Costs
Successful Efforts vs. Full Cost Accounting
Overview of Financial Statements
Financial Reporting and Required Disclosures
Oil and Gas Financial and Operating Analysis
Performance Analysis - Using Financial Measures
Performance Analysis - Using Upstream Measures
Class Exercise - Oil and Gas Financial and Operating Analysis
Upstream Economics, Strategy, and Issues
Economics and driving forces
Exploration and Production Strategies
Upstream developments over the next twenty years 
Special Topic Report - The Impact of Falling Oil Prices in 2015 
Class Exam
* Interactive web page
Time Period
Price |
Register - PayPal |
Ten (10) day
training window
$160 |
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