A Layman's Guide to the Oil & Gas Industry
A Layman's Guide to the Oil & Gas Industry is a web-based course on the fundamentals of the oil and gas industry.�The 3-4 hour class provides a basic introduction to the industry that can be used as part of a new employee orientation program.� The course provides a non-technical review of upstream (exploration and production), midstream (gas processing and transportation) and downstream (refining and marketing) operations.� Each section contains a brief quiz to test the student's knowledge of the subject.
Narrated slides guide users through the oil and gas industry from exploration to marketing
Over 115 slides that provide an excellent introduction to the oil and gas business
Animated graphics for easy navigation
Lecture material that may be downloaded for note-taking and future reference
Chapter quizzes to emphasize important points of lecture and test your knowledge
Interactive drilling rig, well completion, production surface operations, crude oil logistics, refinery flowchart, and oil and gas industry players schematics.
Easy access to help using the "Ask an Expert" form and/or phone
References for your to learn more about class topics
Who Should Attend
New employees
Support staff that require a basic knowledge of industry operations
Public accountants who analyze oil and gas companies
Petroleum industry financial analysts and investors
Sales personnel who market products and services to the industry
Investors who need an understanding of industry basics�
What You Will Learn
Basic understanding of the role of oil and gas in the energy mix
Understanding of the value chain functions of exploration, production, transportation, refining and marketing
Identification of the major industry segments and company's position
Provide the terms and definitions to communicate effectively with technical professionals
Course Features
On-line 24/7 delivery
Self-paced program with technical support
Lesson tests to monitor progress
Oil and gas glossary
Digital Library
Class Outline
Overview of oil and gas operations
The nature of crude oil and natural gas
Oil and gas in energy supply and demand
History of Oil and Gas from Ancient Uses to Current Issues
Oil and Gas Milestones
Most Influential People
Petroleum geology
Exploration technology
Drilling operations
Drive mechanisms
Shale oil and gas operations 
Surface facilities
Offshore operations
Drilling Rig Schematic*
Drill Ship Schematic*
Well Completion Schematic*
Production Surface Operations Schematic*
Natural gas processing
Waterborne movements of oil and gas
Pipeline transportation of oil and gas
Rail transportation of crude oil
The Keystone XL Pipeline 
Refined product shipments
Oil Logistics Schematic*
Refined products
Refinery operations
Refinery complexity
Refined product marketing
Gasoline marketing
Refinery Flowsheet*
Industry Structure and Future
Classes of industry players
Oil and Gas Industry Players*
Oil and gas industry developments over the next twenty years 
Industry Intelligence
How to gather information about companies, countries and current issues
Quiz - Exercise
Special Topic Report - The Impact of Falling Oil Prices in 2015 
* Interactive web page
Time Period
Price |
Register - PayPal |
Five (5) day
training window |
$95 |
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