Government Agencies
Department of Energy - This is the home page for the Department of Energy (DOE) on the Internet. From this location, users can link to many other valuable energy sites. The DOE also has numerous files for downloading information on energy consumption, generation, and production.
Energy Information Administration - The Energy Information Administration (EIA) site contains historical statistics, forecasts, and analysis on domestic and international energy consumption, supply, and prices. The site presents information in the following categories: petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear, renewable fuels, electricity, international, energy overview, end use consumption, financial information, forecasts, and state energy statistics.
Environmental Protection Agency - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with improving and preserving the environment. The EPA focuses on developing programs that effectively implement the statutes enacted by Congress.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an independent regulatory agency within the Department of Energy: regulates the transmission of natural gas in interstate commerce; regulates the transmission of oil by pipeline in interstate commerce; regulates the transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce; licenses and inspects private, municipal and state hydroelectric projects; and oversees related environmental matters.
Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission - The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) represent the governors of 30 states that produce virtually all the oil and natural gas in the United States. The Commission's mission is promoting the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and gas natural resources, while protecting health, safety and the environment. The Commission produces a variety of petroleum-related publications, ranging from an annual stripper well survey to a study on the effects of the recent price downturn.
Library of Congress - The Library of Congress mission is to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations.
National Environmental Information Resources Center - The purpose of the National Environmental Information Resources Center is to provide one-stop, user-friendly access to a broad range of information about environmental matters. The National Environmental Information Resources Center has been redesigned and renamed Environmental Information Resources. This site has been developed as a project of The GW Green University Initiative, a unique public-private partnership between The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and The George Washington University.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is composed of eleven members: Algeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a forum for monitoring economic trends in its member countries. The OECD is the world's largest source of comparative data on the industrial economies and produces a wide range of studies and reports.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the environmental agency for the state. The TCEQ strives to protect our state's human and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development.
Railroad Commission of Texas - The Railroad Commission of Texas is charged with overseeing the State's natural resources and environment.
United Nations - In addition to its peacekeeping and humanitarian roles, the United nations (UN) has an active for social and economic progress. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) focuses on helping countries eliminate poverty, create employment, advance women's status and protect the environment. The UN is also an excellent source of international economic and energy data.
U.S. Energy - This site contains links to a number of United States Government departments and research centers including the Office of Environmental Management - Department of Energy, The Alternative Fuels Data Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Regulatory Commission on FedWorld, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Office of Scientific and Technical Information - Department of Energy, and Sandia National Laboratories.
United States Department of Commerce - The United States Department of Commerce is the most versatile agency in government. Its broad range of responsibilities include expanding U.S. exports, developing innovative technologies, gathering and disseminating statistical data, measuring economic growth, granting patents, promoting minority entrepreneurship, predicting the weather and monitoring stewardship. As diverse as Commerce's services are, there is an overarching mandate that unifies them: to work with the business community to foster economic growth and the creation of new American jobs.
United States Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs - The mission of the United States State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs is: to administer laws, formulate regulations and implement policies relating to the broad range of consular services provided to American citizens abroad; to issue passports to U.S. citizens, and to formulate and implement policies relating to immigration and consular services and to administer the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act as they relate to the Department of State in coordination with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
United States Geological Survey - The mission of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is to provide geologic, topographic, and hydrologic information that contributes to the wise management of the United State's natural resources and that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of the people. This information consists of maps, databases, and descriptions and analyses of the water, energy, and mineral resources, land surface, underlying geologic structure, natural hazards, and dynamic processes of the earth.
United States House of Representatives - The U.S. House of Representatives' World Wide Web service provides public access to legislative information as well as information about Members, Committees, and Organization of the House and to other U.S. government information resources.
United States Senate - A listing of those U.S. Senate offices which have published Internet addresses on the Senate's Internet server.
The White House - Information on the President & Vice President and how to send them electronic mail. The site also contains information on commonly requested Federal services.
The World Bank Group - The World Bank's Oil and Gas Division provides project preparation and appraisal, project supervision, and sector studies; coordination of the oil and gas policy; liaison with the petroleum industry.
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